Breaking the Cycle.

Erin Goodson

Well, hello there! I’m glad you’ve found me. I’m hoping, that since you’ve landed yourself here, you can find some hope in being able to relate to some of my topics. Let me introduce myself- my name is Erin Goodson, formerly Erin Whipple Quebedeaux. Besides being a wife and mom to FIVE kids, I love to talk. I love to write. I love to share my life experiences and how I’ve overcome things that I thought would kill me. Not only am I a wife and mother, I’m a former young widow who suffers with an array of mental illness. On top of suffering with mental illness as far back as I can remember, my late husband was diagnosed with cancer, and sadly, after a four and a half year battle with it, he passed away. After my late husband’s passing, my genetics awarded me with another obstacle- endometriosis and threw me into hormonal shock. Don’t I sound lucky? I am! I’m still here to tell my story. I have so much to share and I’m so excited. 

Please know, I’m no professional. I’m only sharing and speaking through my experiences. I like to refer to my experiences as seasons. Seasons change and it’s up to us to figure out how to maneuver through them. I hope you enjoy my writings and thank you so much for visiting!